How to Become a Millionaire

This is the first in a multi-part series on how to become a millionaire. In this article I analyze the personal finance habits and demographics of millionaires in America and give you a to-do list for taking immediate action.

Three simple rules for using credit cards

Your credit card is a tool for purchasing convenience not a loan. During my time as a consumer advocate, I spoke daily with people struggling to get out from under credit card debt…

Having Enough Money Changes Everything

Money is a tool. Having enough money creates choices. Having choices can change your life…

I try and use thinking frameworks and principles to guide my actions and decision making. The CEO spending framework is how I think about expenditures. The CEO framework allows me…

The stimulus package known as the CARES action has passed and should help millions of American’s weather the COVID-19 economic storm and ensure rents and bills will get paid and…

We are now officially in a recession. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something. But this we know, the way you choose to view the crisis will shape your personal outcome.

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